Where is Soheil Arabi? #FreeSoheil

Atheist Ireland has joined with the undersigned ex-Muslim, atheist, secularist and freethought organisations, to politically sponsor the well-known Iranian atheist and ex-Muslim Soheil Arabi, who was re-arrested from his home on 2 January 2023 by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces. Sources have informed us that he was violently beaten during the arrest, denied much-needed […]

How AAI disclosure document misrepresents me

I have sent this letter to the people who claim, without any valid authority, to be the board of Atheist Alliance International. It addresses how they repeatedly and knowingly misrepresent me in their recent ‘disclosure document’ about the ongoing scandals within the organisation. Dear Colleagues, Can you please forward this letter to everyone to whom […]

Support the Iran Freedom Charter

Please sign the Woman, Life, Freedom Charter for Iranian freedom, shared by Maryam Namazie, of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. Please also share this charter with anyone you think would like to support freedom from Iranian women. Iran’s women’s revolution has announced the end of the Islamic regime and its discrimination, misogyny and violations […]

Atheist Ireland gets United Nations status

Atheist Ireland has been granted special consultative status at the United Nations. We are the first national-level atheist organisation to get this status. It means we can engage with the UN Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council, General Assembly, and Secretariat, in order to advance our aims. On January 24 and 25, we will […]

More deceit and silence from AAI

As atheist activists, we rightly challenge religions when they behave unethically. We should also challenge unethical behaviour by people purporting to represent us as atheists. John Hamill has published a report in which the illegitimate ‘board’ of Atheist Alliance International knowingly misled the United Nations about AAI’s bylaws. This follows the Council of Europe removing […]

Church moving sacraments out of schools?

Reports that the Catholic Church in Dublin is to start moving the preparation of children for sacraments out of the classroom are welcome, but they are exaggerated when compared to the full policy document published by the Archdiocese. The full policy document says that schools will continue to “educate children for the sacraments”, with “content […]

UN again tells Ireland to provide secular schools

Atheist Ireland has welcomed today’s concluding observations of the UN Human Rights Committee, which again tell Ireland to provide secular education by establishing non-denominational schools, and to further amend the Employment Equality Act to bar all forms of discrimination against teachers and medical workers. The UN Committee has also told Ireland to remove the religious […]

AAI and ‘the period of special measures’

A member of the board that unlawfully hijacked Atheist Alliance International has finally admitted that they knew they were acting undemocratically, but that they did so anyway. Up to now, others involved have implausibly claimed to have believed they were acting democratically, but say they made mistakes or overlooked the bylaws. But former unelected board […]

Pope confirms Catholic education is evangelisation

Pope Francis has confirmed that Catholic education is evangelisation, and has compared not speaking the truth about God in education to burning books, during a private reception in the Vatican on 22 April for educators including from Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. He also told a gathering of Christian Brothers to evangelise by educating, and […]

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