How to opt your child out of religion classes – Jane Donnelly explains

This week Atheist Ireland helped a Limerick family who were denied their constitutional right to opt their child out of religious education classes in Irish schools. In two interviews today, on Newstalk Radio and Radio Kerry, Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland explains how to vindicate this right, as well as telling her own story of opting her child out of such classes. You can read more details on our education website Teach Don’t Preach, where you can also download a letter to give to your school outlining your legal rights.

How to opt your child out of religion classes – Jane Donnelly explains

2 thoughts on “How to opt your child out of religion classes – Jane Donnelly explains

  1. Totally a valid blog. I don’t think many of the things in our lives that alcualty mean anything can be proven. Though I do like to wrestle with ideas like moralitly and whatnot, there is simply no resolution. You can’t prove philosphy if you could then it’d be science. I like this one Ryan and I pray the same prayer for my athiest counterpart. He can be kind of a douche, my athiest counterpart that is.

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