Challenges for Atheists and Secularists – my talk at Rationalist Conference in Tallinn, Estonia

My talk at the Rationalist International Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, last Sunday. Covers secularism in Ireland, challenging the silencing word Islamophobia, promoting robust civil dialogue, normalising the word atheism, promoting human rights and ethical secular democracy.

Challenges for Atheists and Secularists – my talk at Rationalist Conference in Tallinn, Estonia

One thought on “Challenges for Atheists and Secularists – my talk at Rationalist Conference in Tallinn, Estonia

  1. Seldom does such a short speech cover the array of local and global challenges to the aspirations of modern secular humanism so comprehensively yet succinctly. The power of the message is further enhanced by an excellent public speaker. At last a voice crying in the wilderness that understands the wilderness.

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