7 years of Atheist Ireland​ information tables

Saturday 7th of September 2019 was the seventh anniversary of Atheist Ireland’s monthly information tables outside the GPO in Dublin. We hold them on the first Saturday of every month.

We also hold information tables in Cork and Galway, and last month we had our first Teach Don’t Preach information table on secular education.

We give information about why we believe atheism is a more reliable world view than religious faith, and we give information on secularism, which is an issue that we work on alongside religious groups who also support secularism.

I would like to thank everybody who has volunteered their time to help us answer questions from the public during the past seven years. I’m not going to name people as I would inevitably leave someone out, but you know who you are.

I will make an exception by naming Brendan Maher, who started the table in September 2012, and has only missed one table when his excuse was that he had just had open heart surgery. He was back for the next table, though!

Here’s to the next seven years, when our work will hopefully have become less necessary.

7 years of Atheist Ireland​ information tables

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